Sunday 24 April 2011

A successful day

So we had the fair at Liliomkert/Káptalantóti this morning, accompanied by our dogs. In the early hours it seemed like we were out of luck as we were out of sunshine but just as we made our first sale (the Egalité key charm), the weather started to change its mind and from then on we had lovely springtime.

Our neighbour was selling delicious homemade sweets but we met several other friendly people like it always happens in Káptalantóti. We even got presents from our fellow exhibitors. It became clear that Marvin, our brown labrador was the most popular item we brought to the market (though not for sale) but fortunately also the jewelry was selling well so we can absolutely say that the day was successful.

It was very useful to talk with the customers and see what they liked and what they did not like. I will try to take all these into consideration as long as it does not amend my main focus.

I hope to go back soon with some new items and meet even more of you there!

Unfortunately (or rather fortunately) the day was so busy that we simply forgot to take any photos so please instead check this superlight sunshine-yellow hoop earring which I made only some days ago.

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