Monday, 2 May 2011

Rainy anniversary - and my first-ever jewelry set!

Yesterday we celebrated an important anniversary with my boyfriend so again we went back to the same place and to the same event as at that first time we met. It is the annual meeting of a car brand with around 20 people from across the country, combined with the 1st of May programs of the small village where it is all organized. The main event is the outside cooking competition which this year took place in unstoppable rain so we all got totally wet and cold but still were having lots of fun. Well, only until we started feeling that now it was really too much of rain and cold. We both came home feeling a bit sick. I drove back to Budapest where I work from Monday till Friday but today I stayed at home to get rid of the fever I have had since last night.

For this special day I am presenting you my first jewelry set! It is not the usual composition because I dislike things that smell from being overcomposed so it is an earrings and bracelet couple, no necklace was made. I was thinking about it but then I imagined all the three pieces worn at the same time - hm, maybe just too much... But I might make a leather necklace using the same items later on as I am sure it would look lovely too.

All the materials are natural as one can be: mineral (turquoise), untreated wood, and metal fragments and beads on an adjustable leather string in the case of the bracelet. For the earrings I also inserted crops painted in the color of dark purple onto the double metal string, which I doubled this time for a strong hold. The wooden bits were drilled on another cold and little bit of sick Sunday, my post from March here.

I am really proud of this as now I feel like I could do something that might be able to reflect the clear beauty of nature itself.