Saturday, 30 April 2011

Moonlight over the sea

I have just received some good news: I can come back to exhibit and sell in Káptalantóti!

As you can remember, I was really excited about it here last week when I was first preparing for the event. This fair is very important to me. It was great meeting and talking with people who were interested in my works, to chat with fellow sellers, to take a look around in the fair - although it was not very easy with the two dogs.

So hopefully we will be back next Sunday morning, but later on I will announce here the exact date.

To have some words about the earrings I present today: it was the first time I have used calzedony ("kalcedon" in Hungarian) and it matched perfectly the blue shell fragments. For me the two together look just like moonlight over the sea on a clear night.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Por hablar perdi la voz

You know already that I love wood and also that I love colors.

So now my only purpose was to mix the two and create the funniest and happiest key charm which at the same time brings luck to its owner.

Simple as that!


Wednesday, 27 April 2011


It is one of the places I dream of going to. I would love to discover every corner of the world this is why I never go to the same place twice, but if I had the chance to visit all the countries this would be the second to go to after Chile.

This year my dream might come true.

It all started with a magazine article I read many years ago, which described life in the most vibrant city of this country from the point of view of a foreigner who has got a house there. Ever since this has been the only place where I wanted to own a house.

I am not sure if this dream will ever come true, but if not, that is still not a big issue after all I hate the idea of owning a house in general.

This is why I named this necklace made of amethyst and wood Akhellouf - if you take a close look you will see the name of this village on the map.



Tuesday, 26 April 2011

White rose

It is not a hard task to find out what inspired this pair of earrings: the spring currently in bloom of course.

But also I wanted to work with a different material and it has been a long time since I last used textile ribbons so when finding these roses I already knew I had to make something special of them as soon as possible. And just as quickly as I made this earring it also got its new owner.

I hope I will find more such pieces later on to work with, it is so much fun!


Monday, 25 April 2011

Little fish

Last week at a small local market I discovered a lady selling minerals and many kinds of supplies a jewelry-maker needs. She is only there two days a week but we already had a short chat about what we are doing and how great it is I found her, from my point of view because she sells at lower prices and at the same time a bigger variety of minerals than what is available at dedicated shops.

The shell fragments I used at making this pair of earrings are also from her. The inspiration clearly came from the sea: the tiny fish, the color of the sea, and the shells in it.

Yesterday a young lady around 12-13 years old was hesitating when choosing an earring from my items and this little fish earring was also among her favourite ones but in the end she chose the "[...] don’t shine like your possessions do" earrings. I also see this extremely light pair as one made for a younger audience who can perfectly wear cute and funny pieces.

Swim little fish, swim!


Sunday, 24 April 2011

A successful day

So we had the fair at Liliomkert/Káptalantóti this morning, accompanied by our dogs. In the early hours it seemed like we were out of luck as we were out of sunshine but just as we made our first sale (the Egalité key charm), the weather started to change its mind and from then on we had lovely springtime.

Our neighbour was selling delicious homemade sweets but we met several other friendly people like it always happens in Káptalantóti. We even got presents from our fellow exhibitors. It became clear that Marvin, our brown labrador was the most popular item we brought to the market (though not for sale) but fortunately also the jewelry was selling well so we can absolutely say that the day was successful.

It was very useful to talk with the customers and see what they liked and what they did not like. I will try to take all these into consideration as long as it does not amend my main focus.

I hope to go back soon with some new items and meet even more of you there!

Unfortunately (or rather fortunately) the day was so busy that we simply forgot to take any photos so please instead check this superlight sunshine-yellow hoop earring which I made only some days ago.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Colorful Easter

Everything is so silent today, it is the first day you can stay outside and sunbathe in bikini.

If Easter is about celebrating peace then this is just what I am doing today: making jewelry outside in the garden with my boyfriend and our dogs around. Tomorrow we continue the same way. We will meet friendly people and talk in peace, enjoy the sun and the breeze, try on jewelry, and of course we will also take a look around at the market to collect some homemade cheese and home-grown vegetables.

Tomorrow: colorful Easter in Káptalantóti!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Fair at Liliomkert

There is a fair in one of the most beautiful regions of Hungary that is a kind of bio-market and though theoretically it is legal, it faces a lot of harrassment from the authorities because of its philosophy. And despite all of this, the market is thriving and growing. Once you go an visit it, you will want to go back every Sunday.

The place is called Liliomkert and is located in Káptalantóti, near Lake Balaton, among the hills and fields of the wonderful Káli-medence (basin).The fair is organized every Sunday morning until 2 PM. You can watch a lovely short video on Liliomkert by clicking here (length: 1:37).

The main idea which I always agreed with is that we need to stop pouring all the plastic/fake/unhealthy/overtreated food and things of all kind into our lives and must make a step back and eat whatever can be found in bio-gardens, eat real meat, taste cakes made by our grandmothers and recycle whatever we can.

So far we have only been visitors/customers here but today I am proud to announce that this Easter Sunday I will also take part and exhibit my jewelry for sale in Liliomkert.

It is the most beautiful market I have ever been to. You cannot imagine just how happy I am! Come and visit me and all the people there, I am sure you will also make a lot of friends and understand why it is highly important to cherish markets as this as long as we can. See you this Sunday in Káptalantóti!


Wednesday, 20 April 2011


I know somebody who always loses her stuff or just forgets them at home or just doesn't find them anywhere. By stuff I mean the most important things you need to carry every day: wallet, keys, cell phone and so on.

This key charm might be a bit harder to lose as I applied tiny bells on it so if you are searching in the deep ocean of your bag you can just follow the sound.

And why did I name it Egalité? Well, just take a look at the coin on it.


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Something purple

I made this charm months ago for Bozsomati. The instruction I received was "something purple".

I am not a big fan of charms or anything that is for making a phone look more beautiful.

A phone is to make calls on it and nothing more. For me it is not a piece of fashion, not part of my outfit, and most of all not a status symbol.

For many long years I used to have the ugliest but most useful phone. It was made of metal and rubber to make it water-, dust- and LaKukac-proof, and it managed well with my manners as falling out of my hand on stairs, in the bathtub, out of the car... But one morning when I woke up I saw that during the night somehow it ended up in a glass of juice which still to date I cannot imagine how could have happened, above all because I have been "straight edge" for the past 12 years. This was our last morning together.

Since then I have had another phone that I can throw from here to there without any problem.

But I accept that nowadays people want more from their phones, for women mostly it is to look nice and sytlish. So why not making a mobile phone charm that has "something purple"? After all, it is not for me!


Monday, 18 April 2011


Do you know what it means to collect and pile up things and stuff in your room, your home, your life? It means you can lose them any day, this way or the other.

Do you know what it means to collect and pile up memories and happy moments in your days, in your years, in your life? It means you will never ever lose them, not even when you finally close your eyes not to open them up again. These memories and happy moments might pass but will live on forever, they will never be gone as they have already happened therefore cannot be taken away any more.

You better lose your stuff to start appreciating what cannot be lost.

Stop piling up and start living, please.


Thursday, 14 April 2011

The simple blue bracelet

For many long years I collected fashion photography and editorial scans on my computer. I loved fashion and I loved photography so the combination of the two was really a kind of hobby. Then I lost my hard drive and all my photos on it. I started collecting again and some years later when I had a nice huge collection on another computer, I lost it all again. Then I did not start it all over partly because these two cases and partly because I was not that passionate about it any longer.

Yesterday I lost my hard drive on my work laptop too. I was not that scared or stressed about it - I already did this twice so why worry about losing things again.

In the end, we could recover most of the data and save them on the new hard drive so the end is happy.

The photos that help me present the simple blue bracelet are from many different photographers who I cannot credit as I do not have the names, but for those interested here is the list of the fashion designers: Chloé, Beige, Armani, Peter Som and Marni.


Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Sarah is the name of this earring.

The only reason is that I opened up the Bible at the Book of Tobit, at the chapter of the Blindness and the Test (or probation) of Sarah, as you see in the picture.

I have not read them yet but tonight I will.

As they say, the Bible should not be read as a usual non-fiction novel but by reading it by chapter, wherever you open up the book. I wonder what it has to say now.


Monday, 11 April 2011

La Kukac on Etsy

Today finally I had the chance to update my brand new shop at Etsy.

As you know, I am not doing this thing in search of money or fame, I just feel like I can create something in the field of jewelry that might be new to many people while I feel good when making these things. I am trying to incorporate my passion and love for nature into everything that I make with my own two hands and sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes more money than would if I mainly used plastic components.

I truly believe that the most beautiful things on Earth are natural. We, humans are flooding our world with more and more plastic and artificial stuff every day, with things we don't use, we waste energy and cut trees when all we should do is just switch off the lights and open the window.

If you like any of the pieces I make, just click on the link above to visit my shop. If you have opinion about this or any other topic, let me know by sending me comments - positive or negative can both come. Or if you just want to tell me you liked any of the posts or pieces of jewelry, just continue clicking on the "Like" button and you will make me plain happy!


Sunday, 10 April 2011

Wooden earrings in respect of the bravest friends

We had just a wonderful day today: my boyfriend and our two best friends.

Marvin is the young labrador who knows no fear. Indy is the even younger mixed breed (previously abandoned) dog who knows no task she will not perform if we ask. These two pure and honest creatures ligth up any day but this day was sunny by itself as well, so we decided to take a walk in the nearby forests despite the strong wind that has been blowing for the last few days. We wound up in a huge green field near a small village and decided to stay.

We were watching deers cross the field, we were running around just for the fun of running, taking photos of each other and just lying in the grass enjoying the sun.

The astronaut (I told you, there was a strong wind!) you see is me with the bravest friends mentioned in the title of this post: Marvin and Indy.


Thursday, 7 April 2011

3 Blogs to Read in April

1. Cause: Vizsla Napló (Hungarian)

This is the blog of a Hungarian humane society working mainly with one dog breed: vizsla. They save the dogs and try to find new homes for them. Please help these wonderful vizslas to discover peace and happiness in life.

2. Crafts: Bozsomati (Hungarian)

Soemone applying her sewing skills in every walk of life, in many fields, but always with her own unique style. She does not sell (yet, hopefully) at Etsy or any other marketplace but I am sure that she will be happy to work hard on any order you give her. Take a look and see how many colors and motifs a make-up pouch can have!

3. Arts: Llywarch (English)

No words - pure visual art. (Photo from Llywarch)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Hungarian flowers

The most beautiful flowers grow in Hungary. They come in every shade and on any item of clothing, our traditinal blouses and skirts are full of embroidered flowers. I even have a such embroidered jewelry-box which I got from my boyfriend probably in the first month of our relationship and this box always reminds me how wonderful our traditional culture is and how much we must nurture it as our treasure.

Nurturing sometimes means giving the culture new directions, presenting it in a new form, in new context, but not depriving it of its true self: its deeper meaning.

The reason why I love this pair of earrings is exactly because by making it I can express my respect for my own culture.

By showing you the flower I used for this hoop-earring I am also showing you my brand new price tag which of course is green, at least partly. Do you like it?

Monday, 4 April 2011

Ei nozanin

As promised, today I am showing you the first piece to get sold yesterday at the fair.

It is jingling not only because I added coins to the shell but more thanks to the tiny bells also attached. I love bold pieces of jewelry that work by themselves and do not hide in a shy way behind the clothes. This one is also like that: it dresses you up, you only need to put on a simple but elegant top, add the necklace and there you go, the outfit is ready. I think I would just underline it with a ring made by using shell as the main stone.

I wish good health and a future full of love to the recipient! Any amendments needed, just let me know and I'm there for you.


Sunday, 3 April 2011

My first fair

Today was an important day: for the first time I participated at a design fair not as customer but as a seller.

It wasn't very easy as my body decided that today was the perfect day for my usual migraine but I tried my best. My boyfriend was a great help, I am sure that without his energy I could not have managed to stay until the closing hour. He brought me soup and kept me alive all day long.

I also introduced my La Kukac price tags which worked perfectly and were of course matching with my green tablecloth, which is originally a big and bright scarf.

We made some sales so in the evening we celebrated with a dinner.

I am sending a big thank you to all the friends who visited and most of all everybody who bought jewelry from me. I truly appreciate your support - I am happy to know I am surrounded by such great people. Thank you for the home-made pancakes too! :)

The photo you see was taken at the beginning.

The first necklace to go hasn't even been published here so it's a real new-born. Tomorrow I am going to show you this piece.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Coconut collection

Don't forget: tomorrow between 10 AM and 4 PM see you in Bálint Ház, Budapest, within the framework of the Nyitni Kék program, at the Design Fair!

And until then, this is a handful of my latest bracelets, all collected in a coconut-shell. All natural, all colorful, all adjustable!

And all waiting for a new owner to meet tomorrow maybe.